‘This is not about charity;
this is about what we can achieve — together.’
Our goal was to produce a drink of high quality with a sustainable twist that could make a real difference in people’s lives. A product with only the necessary ingredients, that would be kind to your teeth and with a low sugar content. In other words, something that we couldn’t find on the market.
Together with our nutritionist we developed Norr, a thirst quenching drink with a fresh taste and perfect balanced sodium that helps your body rehydrate and retain fluids.
When developing the product we were constantly confronted with articles and reports documenting the huge need for Oral Rehydration Salts in many areas around the world. One child per minute dies in illnesses related to thirst and dehydration, something which easily could have been prevented if ORS had been available.
As entrepreneurs we have always been fascinated, and impressed, by companies that have used their commercial business as a way to give back to society. We are therefore proud to be able to do just that. For every bottle Norr sold we will donate a unit of ORS to those who need it the most. All our donations are done through Save the Children. Together we will rehydrate the world.
Norr is a thirst quenching functional drink
Norr is a perfect drink for most occasions, as a thirst quenching drink on the go, in the car, at the office as well as a rehydration drink for an active life with sports and other activities.